
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

tuesday tidbit - being courageous

I'm not sure why, but it seems the human spirit can't handle suspense when it comes to dinner. "What's for dinner" is a line my mom clearly grew tired of, as she eventually started to answer, "Dinner." Sometimes she may not have been in the mood for questions; sometimes she was honestly improvising and there wasn't a name for the dish. Never one to enjoy bequeathing titles to her creations, "dinner" became synonymous with "I have no idea what it's called but there's food on your plate so just eat it."

Fast forward to my own home, with my own husband and kids asking me what's for dinner. Since there were so many nights when I, too, found myself improvising a nameless dish, I tried the "dinner" routine from my childhood. Until one night when I came up with some random name for a dish. And guess what? My husband totally bought it. And now breaded chicken with peaches (recipe coming in late summer/early fall) is Georgia Peach Chicken, Mr. Improv's favorite dish.

So, as you improvise, be courageous! Name that dish! Set it on the table with an air of authority! Sure, there will be times when you have to apologize for the dryness & serve up some extra water to help people swallow your food. But more often than not, you'll be a bit of a food goddess in your home, with people amazed at your abilities. It'll be our little secret.


  1. I approach goddest like propotions when my answer to "what's for dinner?" is "Breakfast!"
