
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

tuesday tidbit - the spice cabinet

Anybody else have spices that get lost in the back of the spice cabinet? Or have 2 bottles of sage because you thought you were out, only to discover another bottle later? I've also had a host of spices that I would only use once in a while, and then the spices would expire and I would feel bad throwing them away so I would keep them in my cabinet until they were so dusty I had to wipe them off before using them.

At some point a few years ago, I made a point of branching out and learning about spices. I tasted and smelled each one, and I tried smelling them one after another (oregano and then sage, for instance) to see what they would be like in combination. I threw out a few sauces along the way, but it was worth the investment in terms of long-term knowledge gained. What a difference an array of spices makes in cooking! I also learned some spice-keeping strategies that have helped tremendously. Here they are:

1) buy bottles that are a size you will be able to store and find easily. the tiny bottles are not always practical if they will get lost. If pretty or jazzy or bold bottles will inspire you more often, buy them. It's worth the investment.
2) buy from the bulk spices section of your local market, or from the Mexican food section of the grocery store (this may not work in parts of the country not near Mexico, I'm not sure).
3) organize the spices efficiently according to how you will use them (i.e., "baking" spices together, savory herbs together, spicy ingredients together)
4) show them off. These from Target are fun

 or these from Crate and Barrel's outlet

or just these from the grocery store (which is what I have).

Then find a place where you can display them away from the heat, where they will add to the aesthetics of your kitchen. I re-purposed the shelf that used to hang above my daughters' changing table.

You can create a magnet board, or use a simple wall-shelf like I have with my oils & vinegar. If they look nice, and it looks like you do some serious cooking in your kitchen, you will be more motivated to actually cook. (for the record, I do have quite a few in the spice cabinet as well; they won't all fit on the shelf I have here, but the look of this inspires me).

Taste your spices, smell them, put them together, make them fancy-looking - IMPROVISE AWAY!

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