
Monday, April 9, 2012

bbq pork kabobs

More produce from the in-laws = more recipes created. But this one really shouldn't be a recipe. It's more like a list of 4 things that get skewered. It does look scrumptious though, doesn't it? I was looking around at my 2 red onions (we don't eat much red onion), my 5 kiwis, my pork chops, and my... well, that's about all we had, when it hit me: bbq sauce & red onions like to have the occasional fling. Put them with the pork, and we'll have some jazzed-up bbq pork. Skewer them & call them kabobs, and my desperation combo will look intentional (see? I wasn't kidding).

And yes, there's a reason that nothing's charred. I was waiting and waiting for Mr. Improv to finish what he was doing so he could take over on dinner and I could head out on a run. And when he finally came out, the skewers were already on the grill. And I was faced with either missing my run or missing my photo op.

I chose to flip those practically raw skewers, slather just enough bbq sauce on them to look legit without igniting a fire for Mr. Improv, and then headed off on my run. So the pic is a bit different because, well, when you actually cook food, it ends up looking, you know, cooked. Ahem.

4 boneless pork loin chops
2 zucchinis
1 red onion
1/2 cup bbq sauce

1. Preheat the grill (medium-low heat for a gas grill - pork, like chicken, goes from raw to tough in about 3.7 seconds).
2. Meanwhile, cut the pork into 1 inch chunks. Then cut onion and zucchini into 1 inch pieces/cubes.
3. Skewer the pork, onion and zucchini; sprinkle with a dash of salt.
4. Grill for about 10 minutes per side, until pork is cooked through.
5. Slather one side with bbq sauce & cook for about 2 minutes so sauce cooks on; repeat with the other side of the skewer.
6. Serve with garlic mashed potatoes and a little extra bbq sauce.

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