Friday, April 13, 2012

grilled salmon

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Dubbed "Patrick's Salmon" by my mother, who always had my brother make the sauce & then grill the salmon, this came from Sunset Magazine in June 1994, before Al Gore invented the internet (kidding!), so I can't link it. But there's my credit where credit is due, and I believe it comes from some restaurant named Pietro's. We love salmon, and probably couldn't eat it this way every single time we eat it, but almost. It's just so dang yummy. And easy. And it has brown sugar, so really, how can you go wrong? That's what I thought. Enjoy!

1 T butter
1 T each honey and firmly packed brown sugar
2 T soy sauce
3 T Dijon mustard
1 T olive oil
1 t fresh minced ginger or garlic
1 salmon fillet with skin (3.5-4.5 pounds)
lime slices and wedges (I didn't have these for the pic above)
Whole chives (optional

"1. In a 6- to 8-inch frying pan over medium heat, stir butter with honey and sugar until butter melts.
2. Remove from heat; add to pan the soy, mustard, oil, and ginger; mix well. Let sauce cool slightly.
3. Meanwhile, rinse fish and pat dry. To make fish easier to handle when cooked, set it, skin down, on a large piece of foil; trim foil (or fold under) to fit outline of fish.
4. Set fish and foil in a rimmed pan large enough to hold fish. Stir sauce and spoon evenly over fish.
5. Let stand 15 minutes to 1 hour; frequently spoon sauce over fish.
6. Put salmon with foil on a grill over indirect heat. Cover BBQ with lid, open any vents, and cook until fish is opaque but still moist-looking in thickest part, about 20 minutes.
7. To move fish to a platter, support with 2 large spatulas and slide onto large platter. Serve salmon hot or cold; if making ahead, cover and chill up to 1 day.
8. Squeeze juice from lime wedges onto portions. Makes 10-12 servings."

OK, so it looks complicated? It's really not. Those were the magazine's words (didja see the quotation marks?) - really, you just melt some stuff, stir some stuff, slather some stuff, and grill some fish. Mmm, mmm, mmmmmmmm. Easy as 1, 2, 3. Served above with polenta & grilled veggies. Cheers!


  1. Oh, yum! This is pretty much my exact recipe (minus the ginger since I don't really like it). It is THE BEST recipe...I agree! The only one we use with salmon! =) Can't wait for this morning sickness to go away so I can cook salmon again!

    1. ughh, morning sickness. at least you have some yummy salmon (and everything else) to look forward to!
