
Monday, April 23, 2012

polenta lasagna

We're gluten-free around here when it comes to dinner, so that means we've been missing lasagna for 1.5 years. Sad times. Until I heard about using polenta instead of regular pasta noodles. And we will forevermore thank my sister-in-law for the enlightenment - no longer are we to be deprived.

There are recipes out there that use sliced polenta (don't know what polenta is? it's essentially Italian corn meal) that's already in a log from the store. I made my own version of that for much cheaper. Although it's possible to use unformed polenta straight from the pot (consistency like oatmeal), both spreading the ricotta and layering are much easier if you use formed polenta.

We didn't even miss the noodles (nothing against them, they're still good), and Lizzie, our resident 2 year old who throws daily fits over the fact that I won't let her live on PB & yogurt alone, actually asked for seconds. Seconds. She asked for seconds. And Pink raved about it so much today that when a friend brought me some of her new lasagna recipe to try (which was delicious), Pink got all upset & scared that I wasn't going to let her eat the leftovers of mine. So, a hit all around.

1.5 cups dry polenta
1 cup grated parmesan
2 t butter
1 lb. Italian sausage
1 lb. ground beef, turkey, pork, or veal
32 oz. ricotta
1 egg
5 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese, divided
48 ounces marinara sauce
salt and pepper to taste

DO AHEAD: Press Polenta

For the polenta:
1. Bring 6 cups water + 1 t salt to a rolling boil.
2. Add polenta, reduce heat, and stir often until polenta becomes thick enough to hold its shape when the spoon is run through it.
3. Remove from heat and immediately stir in parmesan cheese and butter.
4. Line a cookie sheet with waxed paper, spray with cooking spray, and press polenta onto cookie sheet.
5. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

THE DAY OF (can also be done ahead): Assemble Lasagna
For the filling:
1. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, cook sausage and ground meat, breaking into small crumbles as it cooks. Set aside when done.
2. Mix egg and 1t each salt and pepper into ricotta chesse.

For the polenta "noodles":
1. Cut the polenta in half cross-wise. Then cut each half into 6 strips approximately 1.5 inches wide and 7 inches long.
2. Removing one strip at a time from the waxed paper, place 4 strips in the bottom of a greased 13x9 or large lasagna pan. Press strips to flatten a bit (doesn't have to cover the entire bottom of pan.

3. Top with: half the ricotta mixture, 1.5 cups mozzarella, half meat mixture, and 1/3 (2 cups) marinara sauce.
4. Repeat one more layer of each, using fingers to press polenta a bit before placing on lasagna.
5. Once both layers are done, press remaining polenta and place on top of lasagna. Top with remaining sauce and remaining cheese (about 2 cups each).
6. Place on baking sheet (to catch boil-over) and bake for 45 minutes at 350.


  1. As the friend that traded lasagna for lasagna- this stuff is good! Really good. Go try it. Yum.

  2. poor Pink didn't even get to try your version - delicious & i don't even eat mushrooms! oh well, her loss
