Friday, April 6, 2012

tgif lunches

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Let's face it: making lunches can be a drag. And what's more - my daughter's school doesn't allow nuts, so whipping together a PB&J using the only remaining piece of bread just isn't an option in our house.

And so I give you tgif lunches, a when-I-get-around-to-it series of pictures and ideas from the days I rock at lunches. May we all be a teensy bit more inspired, and may our children actually eat our creative, healthy concoctions.

Today's lunch: yogurt and a bento box (do you have one of these? indispensable, I tell you) of kiwi & blackberries, along with cucumber slices & tomatoes & bell pepper with ranch and bits of chopped spinach on top. It looked so good, I ended up making almost the same thing for myself. Plus, Pink is still talking about how "DUH-LI-cious" this lunch was. Score one for mom.