
Monday, May 7, 2012

kiwi blackberry salad

This is week is all about mothers because, well, I am one and I know what I like: delicious, brunch-type food. Isn't that what every mom likes? Moms of the world, send this post to your husband's/best friend's/partner's email. And for insurance purposes, send a couple of reminders, and then send another reminder tomorrow, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, for there's more to come.

***take note: some of the dishes on the menu this week will require advance preparation (make sure your special someone has the necessary time and ingredients by Saturday)

Part One is about setting the stage. We'll get to the highlight of the show later on, but for now, let's talk fruit. Could you simply cut up some kiwi and toss in some blackberries and call it a kiwi blackberry salad? Sure. But then you'd be missing the subtle bite of the balsamic and the freshness of the mint, and that would be a shame indeed. You want mom to say "ooooh la la!" - branch out with the fruit today and make it look pretty. It's Mother's Day, after all.

This salad is perfect for any sort of brunch or special lunch, but it also makes a fantastic dessert, even for a must-be-made-of-sugar kinda dessert girl like me. And the fact that you managed to combine a non-run-of-the-mill kiwi with (gasp!) balsamic vinegar will impress mom. Unless of course she loathes kiwi. In which case, substitute raspberries for the kiwi and make a balsamic berry salad. Mmmmm!

6 kiwi (kiwis? how is kiwi spelled when it's plural?!)
1 6oz. container of fresh blackberries (no, you may not use frozen. it's MOTHER'S DAY, for crying out loud)
1 T honey
1 t balsamic vinegar
dash cinnamon
*optional: 4 fresh mint leaves, minced (ok, here's the one time that I prefer the dressed-up complicated version and Mr. Improv is playing the role of the purist. I like the zip that the mint added - it jazzed up the berries and, while it was a powerful partner for the strong kiwi, it was a bit like a dipthong where 2 vowels hang out together and share the spotlight. Mr. Improv said it overpowered the kiwi. In the interest of disclosure, I'm making it optional. Put it in if you're feeling spunky, which I always feel. And sure, I can promise not to mention grammar terms for a while).

1. Peel & slice the kiwi. Place slices in a medium or large mixing bowl.
2. Rinse, drain, and pat dry the blackberries. Add to bowl.
*If using mint leaves, add them now (make sure they're minced first)
3. In a small bowl, mix honey with vinegar and cinnamon until completely combined.
4. Drizzle honey mixture onto fruit and toss to combine.
5. Chill for 30 minutes before serving. And if you REALLY want to impress mom, serve it up in a fancy schmancy glass. And then garnish with fresh, whole mint leaves. It'll take her breath away!

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