
Friday, May 25, 2012

tgif lunches - caramel apple snack

Empty cupboards either drive one to the store or to creativity. My budget generally demands that I respond with creativity. This snack isn't really anything new: apple slices, caramel, and chopped pecans (or any other kind of nuts). But have you put it in your kids' lunchbox yet? I hadn't.

When Pink asked for a snack and our cupboards looked like Old Mother Hubbard's, I found a jar of caramel sauce and an apple (do you ever buy caramel for a recipe and then have it sit in your fridge, untouched, til you can't even remember what you bought it for? not me...). Dishing it, though, I realized that with an itty bitty container for the caramel & nuts, I could easily send her to school with this. Or I could make it for myself for lunch.

Not exactly rocket science here, friends. But it still makes for an awfully exciting lunch, even if the lunch just started off as ham 'n cheese.

And now from Pink: appel slices caramel and pecans. it was delicious i just loved it deeeelicious. 1 spoon caramel abatot (*about*)   7pecans and 8 appel slices. :)

1 apple
1 T chopped nuts
1 T caramel sauce

1. Slice apples.
2. Top with caramel and nuts.

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