
Monday, May 14, 2012

ultimate burgers

May gray left, and it's been warm & toasty by dinner time, which means one thing - lots and lots and lots of grilling! To kick off the start of summer, this week is all about the grill. First, the ultimate burgers. A bit of seasoning with some Worcestershire sauce, cheese on top, and bacon. If I hadn't just finished this for dinner, I'd be drooling over my computer.

Regular burger buns are fine, but an open-faced burger on toasted bread, with mixed greens, feels like an urban grill with white linens and industrial decor and funky plates and mango iced tea. Right?
1.5 pounds lean ground beef
1 T Worcestershire sauce
2 T ketchup
1 T dried mined onion or 2 T minced fresh red onion
1 t salt
1 t oregano
1/2 t pepper
4 large slices of extra sharp cheddar cheese
mixed greens
4 slices sourdough or buttermilk bread
tomato slices
4 slices bacon, cooked

1. Place ground beef into a large bowl. Add next 6 ingredients and mix thoroughly.
2. Form into 4 thin rectangular patties, no more than 1/2" thick.
3. Place on pre-heated grill; grill about 5 minutes until juicy on top.
4. Flip; place cheese on top. Grill about 4-5 minutes more for medium-well.
5. Meanwhile, toast bread until just brown; top with melted butter.
6. Stack: bread, lettuce, tomato, burger patty. Top with bacon.


  1. Open face DOES say that- and it's more last minute friendly as I never have buns on hand but I MAY have the rest of it in my freezer

    1. precisely the reason i started serving them open-face, because who has extra buns just lying around? but bread, like you, i can usually do :)

  2. Our new foreign exchange student arrives Friday, I'm going to welcome him to America with this Ultimate Burger! :) Thanks for the recipe!
