
Monday, February 18, 2013

a healthy dose of reality

Tonight's plan?
Homemade calzones with sausage, olives, and homemade sauce. Gluten-free apple pumpkin muffins. Mop up the trails of mud & grass that were tracked through the house by 3 girls enjoying some water play on their day off. Have all of the above done by 6:20 when Mr. Improv was due home from work.

Tonight's reality?
Out of tomato paste, diced tomatoes, and fresh tomatoes. Pulled out the small amount of sauce I made yesterday for the girls' lunch. Not quite enough for one calzone. Used it anyway.

Made the muffins with Mia (just turned 2) while the calzone crust was proofing. Got 1/2 way through & discovered that the pumpkin I'd been wanting to use was gone - must have grown legs & walked off. Substituted applesauce to make apple-applesauce muffins instead.

Still relatively "collected."

Got the calzone crust ready for topping, only to realize I'd forgotten to cook the sausage.

Cooked the sausage. Realized I'd forgotten the olives. Gave up on the olives.

Sniffed around the kitchen for the weird stench, and realized it was coming from not-so-fresh sausage. Gave up on the sausage.

Made 1 kinda small calzone with 1 small bit of sauce, some cheddar cheese cuz I was out of mozzerela, and some cut up baby spinach.

Realized I'd forgotten to add the diced apples to the muffins. Added them to the remaining 1/2 of the batter; gave up on the muffins in the oven which were now applesauce muffins instead of apple pumpkin muffins.

Decided to throw together a crustless quiche and serve that for dinner along with applesauce muffins, after serving 1 bit of calzone to each person as an appetizer.

Still thought I was relatively "collected;" I wasn't.

Made the quiche from "memory" but doubled the flour accidentally.

Served the calzone.

Served the applesauce (i.e. sugar & spice) muffins.

Served the quiche. It was more like, well, we won't go there.

Told girls to clean up; realized I'd forgotten the second batch of apple-applesauce muffins in the oven. Pulled out very brown muffins.

Gave Pink a muffin. And the verdict?

"They're good mommy! They taste fiery, but good fiery!"

Ahem. I think I'm going to bed. Cooking will have to wait for another day.


  1. haha. love this Jen. you're awesome. Anne Marie

  2. Fiery good? Gotta love that girl! Ha, sorry your evening was a bust, to make you feel better mine had pancakes- can't ruin a plan if you dont have one right? :)

    1. right :)
      and on the up side, Mia measured over 1/2 the ingredients for the muffins, and proved to be quite adept with a measuring spoon (with her left hand, btw) - who knew? :)
