Tuesday, February 28, 2012

tuesday tidbit - mistakes

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"Ughh! NOW what?!" You've never said that after some kitchen catastrophe? Me either. But in case anyone reading HAS actually found themselves in the middle of a meal-time mishap, "tuesday tidbit" will offer bits and pieces of advice, like the kind you get when you spend lots of time in the kitchen with your mom or grandma. I can still count the number of gray hairs I've found and don't qualify as a grandma, but listen up anyway. And come back every Tuesday for another tidbit, compliments of my mom, my grandma, my aunts, and my myriad missteps.

So here goes...

Few are the mistakes in the kitchen that can't be covered up with some kind of sauce: salsa makes tasteless meat suddenly appetizing, spaghetti sauce turns the taco meat (for which you forgot to buy chili powder, not that I would do that) into Italian-Mexican fusion cuisine (read: skip the tortillas & serve the meat w/ sauce & sides). Teriyaki sauce whisked with some grated ginger or ginger powder and a bit of sugar or honey makes the kinda-overcooked beef chewable and gives it some flavor while you chomp away.

Sauces are your friends! Ideas can be found in many cookbooks, and honestly, the ones on this website are a result of throwing together some ingredients & calling it an adventure. Give it a whirl! (Oh, and a note on how I "cheat" - I smell my ingredients before I combine them when I'm adventuring - even though I'm familiar with what I have in my kitchen, I can't always guess which spices/herbs/sauces will go together, or how much I'll need)

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